34th Annual Toyota Grand Prix April 18-20 2008


1994 Laguna Blue Mazda Miata MX-5 & 2005 Silver Scion tC
yes yes i know its about a year from now...but i figured HEY! why not get the mazdas together and lets take a trip to california for the 34th Annual Toyota Grand Prix!

I am aware we may have an autox event this day...but lets start planning just incase we dont have a race event that weekend! if anything we can leave saturday and make it back to vegas for sunday.

anyway... http://www.gplb.com/

When: April 18, 19, and 20, 2008 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Where: Long Beach, California

Let's hope this will be the same line up this year for Long Beach:
Toyota Pro Celebrity Race
Speed World Challenge
American Le Mans
Champ Car Atlantic
(*screw the drift event..who cares*) but for who ever is interested in the waste of falken azenis rt 615 event=formula drift is for you
and of course
Champ Car

The prices should be the same as last years prices
i will update you guys as soon as those are up on the website...

as for the Las Vegas Grand Prix i havent found any info on when the next one will be...if we will even have one here in vegas again next year... but as soon as i find out ill let everyone know... LVRSCCA members... i believe we can volunteer as flags and various other volunteer jobs at the track... correct me anyone if im wrong... or if i misunderstood something from this past event... i did hear that SCCA members were helping out doing flags and what not... let me know if anyone has info on that... maybe we can volunteer at long beach as well...you never know! anyway... yup yup! so anyone down to come down to long beach that weekend.. post on here... its still about a year away...just a friendly reminder of the event coming up!

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