2016~2023 Volume Limit at Startup?

2017 CX-9 GT AWD
Most, if not all, of the other new cars I've driven in the past 5 years all had an option to limit the radio volume at startup but I don't see this anywhere in the regular menu settings. Is there a software tweak/hack to enable this?

Issue that makes me want/need this feature: when my wife drives the car she often listens to podcasts on her phone via bluetooth and has the radio volume way up (20+) with phone volume turned down. She turns car off without adjusting volume or changing radio to a different audio source. The next day when I go to drive the car and she is not with me, the radio "freezes out" volume control while it tries to reconnect to her phone via bluetooth. When that fails, the radio defaults to FM input with volume at the last level (20+). Not great. And yes, I know I could explain this to my wife and ask her to lower the volume down each time before she turns the car off, but...yeah, that would never work(rlaugh)
A push straight down on the volume knob silences the radio. Reset it to the volume you like at your convenience.
A push straight down on the volume knob silences the radio. Reset it to the volume you like at your convenience.
Unfortunately that does not work either. Mazda disabled the mute function as well (until the system fully boots and changes to the default FM input).
Yes, I also face this issue. I just try to remember to turn it down before I get out of the car. Maybe a software update can provide a resolution, where you can set the volume on startup.

Peace and blessings,


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