Manufacturing of CX-5?

Just a general comment re: manufacturing vs. assembly.
Most if not all of a vehicles components/parts are manufactured separately (off site) from an assembly plant.
They call them assembly plants for a reason. That is just the place where all of the manufactured pieces are put together to make a finished car.

I suspect (it's just a guess though), that most, if not all, of the parts used to assemble a Mazda in Mexico come from the same manufacturer as those parts used in a Japanese assembly plant.
They are not going to source identical parts and components from two different companies or manufacturers just because the assembly plant is in a different country.
That wouldn't make economic sense.
I'm pretty sure you can buy a Mazda assembled in either country with complete confidence.

Wait, that doesn't play into petty racial bias narratives!
No one type of model will have all vehicles manufactured exactly the same regardless of which plant they come from.

I remember early on here someone posted that their was gaps in their dashboard panel whilst others had no such issue