2014 CX-9 Bluetooth Audio anyone know anything about Folders?

2018 Madza CX-9 GT
2014 CX-9 Bluetooth Audio anyone know anything about Folders?

Im trying to make BT streaming work from my Samsung Note 5 its looking for file Folders, but I have no idea if the Folders require special names for the interface to see.

(ON my phone I have a Folder "Music" containing other Folders with mp3's - but that Folder never comes up)?

Is there some sort of scan that I must do prior to the BT Audio streaming to work?

(Instructions are not very clear to me), can anyone help?
BT does not require folders to play music from phone. It is automatic. If paired properly car will play music on its own. If having issues either phone is not compatible or not working correctly. Samsung 5 still uses a sd card. So should be compatible as a phone storage phone is not as of yet. If want to check tho. Go to mymazda.com and look for bluetooth part. U put in phone model etc..mazda will tell if work with veh. If all good and not working take in for warranty. This is 3 36 warranty coverage.
I have a question. I have a 2007 touring model. It seems like the bluetooth doesn't work anymore. I push the phone button and i get nothing. I used to get a prompt for number please or any options. Is there a fuse for this. all of the other buttons on the steering wheel work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.