Cabin Filter Rear Switches

Wrong forum.
You probably have a different car/model, Mazda 5 was not released till 2006 or your year is not correct.
06-07 have a different console w/o rear AC vents. In order to send air to down the console to the rear, they probably redesigned the area the cabin filter is located in, since its right below the climate controls.
Someone who has owned both versions, and who has changed the cabin filters in both can probably back this up.
Believe it is the same item listed two different ways. You can see that filters are identical on the picture, just different color.
Often done for many parts like this, BTW, price is way too high, check amazon, should be under $25.
Jeez those are expensive. I went through & paid something like $17 shipped. Try They give out 5% codes like tissues at the Oscars.