Georgie loves these high oil prices, HE JUST LOVES 'EM!!


'02.5 Red Pro5 manual
During a speech in 2002 in Trenton, NJ, the dumb ass in chief made one of his all to common freudian slips.

He said, and this is right off the White House web site....

"Congress also must understand they've got to pass an energy bill. You see, an energy bill will be good for jobs. An energy bill will be good for national security. We need an energy bill that encourages consumption [sic], encourages new technologies so our cars are cleaner, encourages new renewable energy sources, but at the same time encourages increase of supply here at home, so we're less dependent on foreign sources of crude oil. (Applause.)

see it here...

Honestly, I can't believe anybody voted for this guy. What a dick
Roywhitep5 said:
i wanna be president and sell out to big oil too!

Sell out to? He is big oil

Sell out to: Drug companies, Big media name it, he's a sell out
Honestly we need higher prices... it will mean people will start conserve and people will want better public transportation and other enery sources. I hope it goes up to 5 bucks a gallon.

Bush just wants to tap alaska.
I swear there must be a conspiracy with this all....Bush and his oil buddies must have some magical Hurricane device, causeing oil scares with it and all the oil companys closeing plants to eventually bump the prices of gas up ect. lol
what i said was total BS im so very tired but feel the need to browse this site.