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  1. L

    Protege5 down, had to get a speed3

    Well I had an unfortunate ordeal with a snow plow just before Christmas. Went to pass a snow plow and he ran into me. Here she is: And before: So after 5 weeks of not having a vehicle I finally decided to get the crystal pearl white speed3... so far its great (thumb) Will be even better...
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    Anyone from New Zealand out there?

    I'm heading off to New Zealand on the 27th of November for 45 days. Just seeing if there are any Mazda people out in that neck of the woods. Last year I got to meet up with an Australian while I was in Australia, which rocked... (thanks again Critter!) So, let me know if anyone is around...
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    Eagle Cam very cool! eagle cam.... Some person in Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada has a camera and mic setup streaming it over the internet live, eggs suppose to hatch in 2 days (25th)...
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    Heading to Australia

    I'm off to Australia the beggining of December for 2 months... just thougth I'd see if there was anyone out there... maybe I can meet up with a few people? Going to be backpacking by myself starting in Melbourne and heading north up the east coast....
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    So hows the rain in the Calgary area? From the news it sounds like a lot of the area is flooding...
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    17" rims in Calgary?

    So how do you guys like 17" rims in Calgary.... after driving around for the weekend there is s*** load of crappy roads and pot holes.... Just thinking for the future, if I move there next year I'd rather get something I wont' wreck when I move...
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    Dint gone... yahoo!

    So about 2 weeks after I got my car I had 2 jerks open their doors into my car (that was in 2003) both in the same week. So finally today I decided to do something about it. There is a specialist here in town who takes dints out for a living. See the before and after pictures... did a...
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    What colour should I paint my DGM front lip?

    Hey all... I got my new DGM front lip today and I am trying to decide which colour to paint it and who better to ask then fellow P5ers. What I am thinking since there is a line all around it half way down is to paint the top part red (so it matches on the joins) and the bottom black (so when it...