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  1. P

    Autolock not always locking

    Having read this and other posts on the same topic, I see four things that keep doors from locking automatically. If the rear hatch is not fully closed, they will not lock. The key fob is out of range when the last door is shut (passengers getting out after the driver). Other electronic...
  2. P

    Everyone's Fuelly MPG seems very high compared to mine. :(

    So far, very little in this thread addresses what I feel are the biggest variables with mileage: where and how you drive your car. Use the Fuel Economy Monitor screen to see what I mean. It will tell you just when you use the most fuel. Once you understand where it goes, you can manage it's use...
  3. P

    How to Switch of the Audio

    On the 2016.5 Touring controls for audio, there is a Pause, Fast Forward, and Back control on the screen. Use the joystick to select it.