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  1. M

    Mystery Light & Gear Slippage

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  2. M

    Seeking some friendly advice.

    I've had my P5 for little over a year now and it has been a bad year. After over $2500.00 in small parts repairs I'm considering selling and getting something new. So I'd like some input into whether or not I'm on the right track, from P5 owners with more experience than I have. Am I right in...
  3. M

    Car Radio Speaker Problem

    I recently replaced the Double DIN stock radio with a single DIN radio. I used all the required adapters, soldered the adapter harness to the replacement radio plug and all went well. Until it just crapped out. With no explanation, the speakers are silent. There's full power to the deck (both...
  4. M

    Double DIN Radio to Single (I've done my due diligence)

    I have a spare single-DIN deck that I want to put into my '03 P5 which currently is outfitted with the OEM double-DIN system. I'm having a helluva time locating a kit that will adapt the single to the double fitting so I'm hoping at least one of you may have experience with this. To douse a...
  5. M

    Suspicious Front Suspension

    Over the last week the front of my car has been creaking loudly when the car falls onto the suspension (speed bumps, rapid changes in road grade, etc.). My mechanic is away for two weeks so I want to hear what you think this might be before I take it to a local random mechanic (I don't have...
  6. M

    Peculiar Gas Consumption @ 3k+ RPM

    First of all, my bad if this has been posted before but I'm brand new to the forums and didn't find anything regarding this specific issue in the existing threads. I recently bought a 2003 Protege5 from a private seller with 140,000 km, regular oil changes, etc. etc. My mechanic deemed it is in...