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  1. D

    Steering wheel controls

    My Mazda 2 Demio, has a steering wheel without audio controls, is has a leather wheel, with down and up control levers, when driving if car put into overdrive, (showing SS) on guage. If you click on the "down levers", an "M" appears, does anyone know what this does, it seems to kick the auto...
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    is it possible to change the dash illumination...

    I cant answer this, but wish it was brighter, esspecialy at night when it fades very low, when lights are on!
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    Mazda 2008 demio overdrive switch

    My 2008 Mazda Demio Auto has the overdrive switch! What does "SS" mean when lit up, is this in or out of overdrive?, no manual! Thanks Gary
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    2008 Mazda Demio Radio light

    My 2008 Mazda Demio has the round radio head with 6 cd player, clock etc, it has a red lit up background. Nice and bright normally. When the car head lights on at night time, the red light on radio fades right away that its really hard to see the panel, and the chanel buttons etc ! Does any one...
  5. 6_CD_Changer_Radio_module___MP3_large.jpg


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    Mazda2 Radio Dash Kit

    Many Thanks!
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    Mazda 2 demio 2008 round radio , 6 cd unit

    2008 mazda 2 has the round radio, with 6 CD unit, how do i pre store the radio stations, can you do this?, Thanks Gary
  8. 6_CD_Changer_Radio_module___MP3_large.jpg


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    Mazda2 Radio Dash Kit

    Hi! just bought a 2008 mazda 2 with the round radio/6 channel cd as in the lower trademe image, how do you pre set the radio stations? Many Thanks Gary