Search results

  1. M

    WTB: Protege5 stuff

    Sup, I need a few items obx header thanx for looking, Nate
  2. M

    Whats there to do?

    So whats there to do around here in phoenix? just moved here from maryland and looking for something fun to do. (yippy)
  3. M

    painting advice

    No idea where to put this but... im spray painting the jeep (looks awesome, even for spray paint) and i just got finished wetsanding with 480 grit... and there are a bunch of swirl marks after i finished cleaning it all off, so any tips that as i progress to the final coat of paint, on how to...
  4. M

    What Would You Do...

    for a Klondike bar? Nvm me, i just got a sudden urge to have one... (silly)
  5. M

    Tag Along

    any import racers/teams out there willing to let me tag along when you all go to an event? looking to learn and see what the circuit scene is like, i've been thinking of getting into it... im in maryland, so in the general area would be awesome Nate
  6. M

    Feeler: Paintball Gun

    just a feeler not actually selling, want to see if there is any interest... 98Custom, double trigger, replaed most of the O-rings, didnt pull apart the pressure chamber, greased the sliders... any interest in this? im not sure yet if i want to sell... Mods: if theres enough interest, and i...
  7. M

    Tokico Spring and HB combo

    anyone have any experience with the tokico springs with the tokico blue hb struts? i always hear about the eibach with hb's combo... so anyone? and which should i get, im leaning eibach w/ tokico, but i see a better deal on protegegarage with the twin tokico combo... but im primarily concerned...
  8. M

    Teckademics Mischief 5: Dynasty

    Hey guys, i have a friend who works with Teckademics East, and according to him, the newest video of the mischief series is about to come out, Mischief 5: Dynasty check out the website also, by the same people that did Mischief, HyperStreet Racing Type B trailor...
  9. M

    Midnights Bash Pics

    Sorry it took so long, but i went to florida after the bash and got home 2 days ago... i then spent the better part of 3 hrs editing, resizing, arranging, and double checking for 2 reasons... one, all the bad pics are out, and two, instead of being 56k suicide, itz only 56k beatdown... ;) If...
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    yeah i'll be in pensacola starting monday visiting family... anyone from around there? i'll also be in tampa dropping in on toole... prob sunday tho... not sure exactly... anyone?
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    Spark Plugs & MP3 ECU

    i am going to be acquiring a mp3 ecu here shortly, and i was wondering if there was a difference between the spark plugs of the P5 and mp3? if so what should i get?
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    Hey, heres a request to everyone on the boards... check ur PM's!!!!!!!!!!!! and when u do, if they are from me, please answer them... thank you for ur co-operation...
  13. M

    Only rolled once

  14. M

    Starbucks Meet - Rockville

    anyone up for going to rockville this coming weekend, Jan 2nd or 3rd? im going, just to see whats happening, this is of course depending on desireable weather...
  15. M

    Starbucks Meet - Rockville

    anyone up for going to rockville this coming weekend, Jan 2nd or 3rd? im going, just to see whats happening, this is of course depending on desireable weather...
  16. M

    For Old Times Sake

    Sign me up for one too!!
  17. M

    Stuck in the snow...

    I'm a dumbass... no tread and i decide to drive in the snow... idiot... well i am gettin new tires now so i was driving along and i hit a gas a lil to accelerate up a hill and my tires spin and i drift off to the side and get bogged down into a ditch... i call my dad and he pulls me out.. so...
  18. M

    Fastest Pro5 1/4 mile times

    these guys r doing it, so y not us? whats ur fastest time? lets us know!! post ur name time and what mods u have if any... - 14.9 @ 94MPH - igrasil - turbo @ 7psi injen intake MS Sport Exhaust - 15.9 @ 86 - 1FastMP5 - cai,hks...
  19. M

    Two Girls...

    Two girls from the high school i graduated from... lol, this is wild... the principal is a asshole, so it figures he would do it...
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    Man's Greatest Inventions

    My friends and i have done this for the past 7 or 8 months, everytime we got something we couldnt live without it was labeled mans greatest invention... lol im just gonna start it off, but if u notice something that could be on here please post up, :D lets see what other people think r great...