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    Mazda event AutoCross Video/s (MASSIVE)

    I'm going to cross-posting post-whoring hell, but here goes ... [url=] check out this thread (here) for some nice Autocrossing video footage from the MSCW Autocross event held last Sunday outside D.C. Enjoy!
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    Autocross Video/s (massive)

    Guys - I took lots of VIDEO and here it is! This is the edited version, thanks to Steve on the Mazda 6 Club boards. There's lots of footage of Mazdas (d'oh!) and particularly Dan! Autox MSP (sorry - forgot your first name!) figures in the videos too - dude you did well for the first time out in...
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    Mazda Club Autocross Video(s) (MASSIVE - beware)

    (I'm pasting my thread from the Mazda 6 Club Fora verbatim) Here's a nicely edited video (courtesy Steve's video-editing skillZ, from the footage we all shot this last Sunday). (Its a 30MB WMV file - you were warned!) This was a Mazda event organized by the Mazda SportsCar Club of...
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    Burke Lake Meet Video - including the fun drive!

    Thanks, Necessity, for hosting these for me! I'm taking the liberty of reposting your links in this new thread to increase visibility. This was a fun meet - folks! Sorry about the video resolution/quality/shakiness - that's the best my cheap video camera and my unskilled hands could do while...