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  1. A

    Spicy Orange MSP ID!!

    Hey, guys, haven't been to this place for over half a year already. Mostly cuz of the new job after graduating from rutgers and the plan to get an NC mx-5. Anyways, based on my last month worth of gas mileage tracking the P5 is giving me 29mpg on average commuting 140 miles a day (car pooling...
  2. A

    Move to How-to?: Fix that header with your finger grease all over it.

    *I never saw this topic over at how-to so I guess I will just write one myself, so please if there are any duplications with others, don't flame, I am not plagerising any ideas here. * Intro: (you can ignore this crap, just me bitching, jump to procedures!) Going around looking for threads...