Need Seat Deep Cleaning Help (2018 CX-9)

2019 CX-5 Signature
There’s no easy way to approach this, so I’ll rip the bandaid off.

Our oldest child, while in my wife’s passenger seat (2018 CX-9) with ventilated/heated seats had norovirus and had diarrhea that seeped through his pants (he’s fine but upset about it).

Needless to say, I was able to surface clean the seats, but need a way to actually get into the seats.

Any suggestions on how to go about taking care of this?
First, I hope your son is feeling better!

I think the only way to get into the seats is to come from underneath, but I don't think you'd be able to clean directly underneath the leather unless you completely dismantled the seat. I came across these links. They state that the best thing to use is a solution of water and mild detergent for a surface clean, followed by a solution of vinegar and warm water to act as a disinfectant. Then if there are any lingering smells, you can sprinkle some baking soda onto the seat and into the perforations, let sit for a day, then vacuum it out and repeat as necessary.

good cleanup as much as you can from the top. Vacuum what you can. Wipe the rest.
And lots and lots of baking soda after (multiple times) and lots of coffee beans after. some stains which are below the leather holes may stay but you would get most out. I had similar issue but on the rear seat with a throw up. Didnt remove or disssemble the seat in my case. Thats if you want to do ok job.

To do it as you want you have to get the seat out and disassemble the bottom. There are 4 bolts that hold it to the car frame. Battery has to be disconnected after removing the bolts (due to airbag) and then disconnect the seat connector and take seat out.
Leather covers (skin) can be removed from the cushion foam and cleaned (as well as the foam) but requires removing handful of hog rings (which hold the learher skin to the seat foam) and then adding them back (needs new rings and special tool) plus removing the whole seat from the car and removing the whole seat cushion from the seat frame. After assembly may be checking/calibration the passenger pressure sensor thats in the seat and few more specifics.
Its a one day job and is not an easy task but its doable. A good upholstery shop can also do it.

From the bottom you cant do much. There isnt way to acces the top.

btw Mazda sells just the leather skin and the seat cushion foam as spare parts - may be about a thousand bucks but you can put brand new as well if you choose. Still requires disassembly.

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Thank you both for this. I think I’ll tackle it without disassembly. The only issue is there is definitely an odor and I’m not sure whether that is a result of seepage into the seat cushion itself or just permeating from the leather.

He’s feeling much better and he’s finally over the embarrassment (even with us assuring him it’s a non-issue).
There are enzyme odor eliminating cleaning products available. Look in a pet supply shop for one for fecal matter.
I would be more concerned using chemistry because of the leather. The seating pad is real coated leather on top but the holes are not coated. Try the baking soda (its Ph is ok) multiple times and few days in a row. Spread liberally then vacuum after a while. Last is the coffee beans after. Leave them in the car near the seat every night (can be in open box or can) you need fresh beans and change them daily. It does help.
May take at least a week.
So this is one of those things in Canada, You can get this cleaned under insurance.
sometimes the deductible is a lot easier to handle then cleaning it.