How do I get these scuffs out?

Mazda CX-5 AWD Touring
Hey got into a fender bender and want to try and get as much of this out myself, what should I use anyone else remove similar marks? I looked around and got mixed answers. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advanced


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Proctor & Gamble sells these sponges that are white in color and are called erasers. You might try putting soap and water on one of these and try rubbing the area to see if it helps. It is a surprising product. It might take some elbow grease, but any change would make you feel better when you look at it.
try rubbing compound with a microfiber or some sort of towel... or try meugiar's ultimate compound.
Proctor & Gamble sells these sponges that are white in color and are called erasers. You might try putting soap and water on one of these and try rubbing the area to see if it helps. It is a surprising product. It might take some elbow grease, but any change would make you feel better when you look at it.

Do you mean the Magic Erasers??
I take it you are going to get it repaired and you just want it to be easier to look at...... Is that the case? Even rubbing compound will form a haze. I guess you just have to experiment. YouTube has videos on how to deal with your problem: you might try that route.
I'd rather not pay to get it repaired at a shop or dealer I was hoping I'll be able to get it out myself with the knowledgable people on this forum I thought someone might have had similar damage or possibly someone who works at a body shop might be able to suggest the right product. I'll check out YouTube too
Run a finger nail over the scuffs. If you finger nail catches.... the scuffs are too deep to be buffed/compounded out. If you finger nail does not catch in the scuffs, clay bar and lots of elbow grease with meugiar's.
Yeah, that would work for the clay bar. Another person recommended the Meguiars ultimate compound. Also very good stuff. My Advice is to use a random orbit buffer and let the machine do the work. Pressing too hard either by hand or machine is going to open a pandoras box and just make swirls and haze a bigger issue. If you go clay bar, get a spray bottle with warm (almost hot) water and keep misting the body and bar keep it real wet.

From the looks of your picture.... the mass near the fender is probably a no go. Those scuffs look pretty knarly. Start out with light pressure and go a few rounds.... Clean it all off with 90% Isopropanol, let it dry and feel the surface again. Sorry to say but, I doubt you will have 100% success getting them all out. Good luck.
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I'm gonna upload a new picture later today that the picture from minutes after the accident it doesnt look that bad anymore
I would not use magi erasers or alcohol on the car at all. Use something that is designed for cars. Understand that all polishing compounds have different abrasive properties. Rubbing compounds are usually at the more aggressive end of the spectrum when it comes to that sort of thing. Mequiars #105 and #205 is a great system to use for polishing the car. 105 is more aggressiveso I would start with 205 and see how well it does. I recommend using a dual action polisher as they are easier and less likely to burn through the paint. Harbor freights DA polisher isn't have bad and can be had for cheap. Even their pads will get the job done.

Harbor freight also has meguiars Dual action cleaner polish which would be a good option as well. Its a diminishing polish. Meaning the longer you work the product the finer the abrasives become until it becomes very very fine polish. I've used this stuff before and has to be worked for awhile so doing a whole car takes a bit but for your front end it would be good. If your not going to use power tools then some rubbing compound by hands your best bet with a microfiber towel. It will take a bit of elbow grease but it should get most of the marks off that "ON" your paint. If any of the marks wore through the paint you'll have to respay to get those taken care of. Hope that helps some.
Obviously , as you will see on YouTube, there are "many ways to skin a cat". I always like to see and hear about something before I attempt it. Good luck with your project-I'm sure you will make it look better than it does right now.
Obviously , as you will see on YouTube, there are "many ways to skin a cat". I always like to see and hear about something before I attempt it. Good luck with your project-I'm sure you will make it look better than it does right now.

So have you seen others using the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on Youtube or tried yourself..?
On YouTube and have tried it on my previous car. If you go to the site, you will see a woman remove yellow scuff marks off a black car with her husband narrating. There is also a liquid called "Oops" that does a good job of removing transferred paint from a car. It's sold on Amazon.
Dr. Color chip is ok for chips. I have a couple small scuff marks and it does not hide them well at all.
I'd probably be filing an insurance claim on the damage shown by OP.

Why? It doesn't look like over $1k of damage, which is what most people hold as a deductible. Even if OP has a $500 deductible, the extra $ required to fix is probably nominal and you'll just pay the rest over time when they jack your rate up next renewal period.