Near hit and run today GRR!!! Anyone have a stock 2003 rim to sell?


We have a 3 lane road heading towards our apartment complex..... one lane east bound, one lane westbound, and one middle turning lane.

I was heading west....... some jackass in a Ford SUV of some type is heading east going about 55 in a 35.... looked like he was reaching in his console as his head was turned.... next thing I notice his SUV banks hard towards the center lane.... he crossess center lane..... gets one tire in MY lane.... about the same time I swerved right to avoid him.

My front right tire hits the curve and jumps it slightly..... I swerve back left as soon as I head the "GRINNNNNNNNNDDDDDD" . I slam on my brakes.... guy in the SUV slams on his, makes sure I'm not dead, and speeds the **** off. Had no time to get his license plate.

Got out to check my damage..... absolutely no body damage...... the rim is hideous looking....... tons of damage on it....... the front right tire didnt pop but has a piece of it pealed off a bit like a bananna.

Pissess me the **** off...... Insurance wont cover it because "The other driver did not make impact with you" Guess I should have let the dumb **** hit me I guess.

Anyone have a spare rim for a 2003MSP for sell?

Pics to come soon
Pic time


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i banged up one of my rims first week i had the car ...
i feel your pain , i think you can buy them new for about 300$
id be interested in buying 1 or 2 slightly used 03 rims too.
ouch man, that sux hope u can find a nice cheap used one. did u check around the for sale thread? just asking.
That sux ass. I am in St. Louis too so I know how some of these people drive. But I am sure you get your fair share of assholes no matter what city your in. Good thing it was only a rim.

btw... off topic... r u going to the Peoria meet next Saturday?
damn man, feel for ya, i know how you feel.
i hit a dip hard and scratched the s*** out of my bottom front bumper on the pass. side, i was hurt man.....might as well a shot me cause i felt like s***....
Time to talk again with your insurance company. I think they are just trying to duck out on their responsibility.

On the other hand, what's your deductible? $500? Won't be worth your bother, with the wheel at $300 and a tire at $100.

Glad to hear you DIDN'T get hit by the SUV. Nice driving.

right now i have Bridgestone Potenza RE040 215/45 ZR17's

am I going to have to get that exact tire for things to be balanced and what not?

Who has these fairly cheap? Cheapest i've found is like $160 a piece :(

Oh, If I see this guy he's going home with 4 flat tires :)
FuriousMojo said:
I like the idea of waiting to catch them. That would really surprise the owner. Be all like "GOTCHA!"

But one thing is... don't ever let anyone hit you. Better to pay $300 than have a lifetime worth of back/neck problems.

While it would be nice not to have back/neck problems, the insurence company doesn't see it that way. If the MSP was to have hit the curb and spun sideways (just a hypothetical situation) and the car behind the MSP ran into the side, then it would have been the MSP drivers fault...they don't care that your avoiding an accident.

For that one fact, I NEVER avoid collisions anymore.

Another example: 3 cars traveling side-by-side on a 3 lane road. The one in the far left lane swerves into the middle lane but doesn't hit the person in the middle, but the person in the middle swerves out of the way and hits the person in the right, its the person in the middles fault. Insurence companies are a BUNCH OF RIP-OFF ARTISTS
I think there are shops that refinish a search on google...
But it depends on the extent of the damage, it might be cheaper to just get a new/used rim...
PKay--- Sorry to hear and see about your problem, What a MF!!! He will get his in the long run for sure.

Good luck on getting a replacement I sware I saw someone selling a spare rim.
i know how u feel...... like 6 days after i got my first protege i tried to avoid and accident(saw this ranger just flying up in my rear view) but i wasn't as lucky as you he just clipped my dr side rear bumper. well then he also bounced off the bumper and crushed the front side from the drivers door up!!!! anyway a rim is just that a rim(i know it sux) but i had to haggle with the insurance companies for 2 mths and had to drive a piece of s*** grand am the whole time!!!! then they finally totaled it and i went back and bought another brand new one!!!!! anyway at least its only a rim!!!!!