2017 CX-5 GT - Fuel Mileage


2017 CX-5 GT No Tech - 2023 CX-30 GT NA
So I was farting around looking at a few things and I came across this screen again. Looked at it when I first got the truck but never really looked at it again. Can anyone help me interpret it correctly? Pardon the dust. The truck didn't seem this dusty.


  • IMG_8641.JPG
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Top graph shows the average fuel economy for your current trip in 1 min (or 10 min for earlier steps) intervals in liters per 100km values. Right hand side shows amount for most recent time interval, left for earliest.

Bottom graph shows average economy for the whole trip for this current trip (right bar) and the previous five trips, going backwards in time from right to left.
Top one indicates you have a 20 minute drive so far and it shows you your current trip fuel economy.
The right most bar in the bottom shows your latest Avg economy since the last time you reset it - usually you would reset when refueling. The bars to the left show previous Avg economy - assuming you reset your avg economy every time you refuel - this bottom graph is showing your avg the last 5 times you fueled up + current economy.