Real Estate Web Sites???

07 F150 HD
im looking at houses or more likely condos and the only good sites I have found to search listings are and

are there any other good ones you guys know about?

Im looking around the new haven CT area although thats not likely to be relevant since most real estate websites are nationwide or regional at the very least...

thanks for the help!
I used them as a relitor to find my house and they were excellent. My relitor got me a house $10K more then I could afford for $5K less then I could spend. She even took a donated $250 of her commision to my closing costs.
slug420 said:
how did she get you the house like that? saved you money on interest I assume?
The house was originaly listing around $195K. by the time we got to it the price was lowered to $189K as it had been on the market for a while. She really helped me make the decision to make and stick to a $183K offer. I held this through several rounds back and forth. We where ready to pay that at the home inspection. However in the inspection we found that the AC and Furnace were totaly shot. They could not be repaired. The outside condenser was smashed by a large chunk of ice from the roof to make things even better (boom07) .

During the home inspection our realitor started a conversation with the owner of the house. He told her about how they already had a deposite on another house. By telling her this he basicly told her that he would be screwed if we decided not to buy the house. Because of this info she urged me stick to my guns and ask them to pay $5000 in cloising costs to cover the AC and furnace being repaired. They refused the $5K but agreed to pay $3K and their realitor agreed to put up $250 if mine matched it. My realitor matched the $250 and we got the house.

The best mother is very good friends with the owner of an HVAC company and the accountant.
I not only replaced but upgraded the Furnace and AC units plus the outside condensor for around $2300 (I don't remember exactly, it may have been less)

Thats how :D

Now for interest I was helped out by my realitors best friend at Reinessance mortgage. She was also a very good friend of my mothers so their where no BS games. I told her I totaly trusted her judgement and thats why I hired her and she locked me in when she though it was best. She locked me in at 5.5% which was decent for that time period, my credit and the fact that I was a first time buyer with only 5% down.
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