So annoyed...

2016 CX-5 Grand Touring AWD
Spent the last couple weeks getting my new cx-5 ready for winter. Wax, trim protectant, aquapel... Then today they decide to put down new barkdust at the office I work at...

Entire car is coated in very fine bark dust... Someone is about to get a very pissy email
Not worth losing your job over or being labeled "that guy" IMO. Get it washed and be done :)
DBLXX is right, no sense in making a big deal at work over some dust. Definitely less than stellar thing to happen but its a car and winter is coming.

Take a breather, relax and don't send that email.
The good thing is it ought to blow off or wash off easily with the wax job.

We don't have that around here, is it by-product of your timber industry? It looks like sphagnum peat, which usually comes in compressed blocks from Canada.
We do have hardwood mulch and pine bark nuggets, but they are coarse and don't become airborne. I'd hate to breathe that stuff.

I think the email is fine if just identifying an issue. Perhaps management could give a heads-up when the landscapers are onsite.
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I am management ;) the building owner will get the email and the building owners already know me as "that guy" after my campaign to ban their use of huge adhesive parking citations that could only be removed with special removal compounds. I kept a bottle of this goo gone stuff in my office just for my staff to use when they got them. My company pays A LOT of money to rent out offices so they should be nicer to our cars!

If this were a byproduct of our timber industry I'd just deal with it. This was a byproduct of them putting down new barkdust and not giving us a heads up. They were using one of those industrial blower things to put it down. I know I'm being pissy but I just washed it Monday haha
Not worth losing your job over or being labeled "that guy" IMO. Get it washed and be done :)
Hey, DBLXX is still alive! Was getting worried about this member, sent him several PM's and never got a reply, I was just hoping something didn't happen to him. No harm No foul, just the first post I've seen from him in a while.
paris1 said:
Just give it a quick 90 second spray with a garden hose followed by a chamois towel-off. It'll be as good as new.

Yeah, I can see how a chamois would be a good idea with what passes for water in Santa Rosa, CA. In places like Salem, OR, with their extremely pure water, there simply isn't enough minerals left over to worry about. The chamois would probably shorten the life of his recent wax job more than any benefit received. Any microscopic amounts of minerals left on the surface of the wax job would be rinsed away the next time it rains (which us often).

It's shocking how much the water quality varies around the country. Those of us with pure mountain snow melt are fortunate indeed.
Spent the last couple weeks getting my new cx-5 ready for winter. Wax, trim protectant, aquapel... Then today they decide to put down new barkdust at the office I work at...

Entire car is coated in very fine bark dust... Someone is about to get a very pissy email
Belay that E-mail. Seriously. It's a cheap compact SUV and you just need to rinse it off. Don't be "that guy".
Yeah, I can see how a chamois would be a good idea with what passes for water in Santa Rosa, CA. In places like Salem, OR, with their extremely pure water, there simply isn't enough minerals left over to worry about. The chamois would probably shorten the life of his recent wax job more than any benefit received. Any microscopic amounts of minerals left on the surface of the wax job would be rinsed away the next time it rains (which us often).

It's shocking how much the water quality varies around the country. Those of us with pure mountain snow melt are fortunate indeed.

He could try a quick detailer, as well. I have also had great luck with "waterless car wash" type products for situations like OP has.
Send the email bro...if you left a trail of debris on their property I'm sure they wouldn't let you slide! They should in turn speak to whom ever left you car with all that crap on it. I know what it's like to spend a day/ weekend work on your car and then some totally puts your hard work to shame.............To the ones that say "Don't be that guy" I have to disagree cause basically yall letting them bend you over
Over the weekend I took the fam to an outlet mall. I parked far from everyone else. When we left and got to my car there was a freakin tow truck parked right next to me. I could barely get into my door. There were plenty of parking spaces available. Good news was I dodged a bullet with no scratches or dents. I'm just glad I don't park outdoors at work or at home. You've got people with beaters who don't care, construction projects, landscapers trimming grass, water sprinklers, bird poop, cats, all sorts of stuff out there.