February Photography Contest Submissions


Black Mica MS3
Since we have so many photographers here, I thought it would be cool to have a Photography Contest. Every month, there will be a new "Theme" to capture. The picture can be of anything pertaining to that theme. Take a look at last months Contest HERE.

1) The photo can be photoshopped and can be altared in any way, shape or form.
2) Please submit only 1 pic.
3) Once you submit you pic, please don't go back and change it. Once you submit, make sure its exactly the way you want it.
4) Please no cheating. Please do not post pics that you found online and claim them as yours!
4) Be Creative!

Almost like the "Ride of the Month" format, I will setup a new thread with everyone's submission. Everyone will then be able to vote on their favorite image. Prizes will be awarded! Small donations are welcomed ( yashart@hotmail.com ) to help fund the prizes, but are not required at all. This contest is free for all to enter! PM me with any, ideas, comments, or concerns.

Submissions for this contest will end on Sunday , Feb. 12th @8pm. A new voting thread will be created shortly after, and run for 1 week.

February's Theme: Mechanical (Machines and Mechanisms)
Any and everything that has to do mechanical items. Examples: bicycle gears, valves, springs, etc. These are just a few examples: Just use your imagination with this one but, please do not confuse this theme with electronics :).

Best of luck everyone! :)
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Sweet! Subbin once again...

I wanna see someone try to add boobs into this topic lol
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I'll definitely do it. I just gotta find some good mechanics to take pics of. I feel like using my car on a car forum would be to cliche......... that and I don't feel like disassembling the rotary for a picture. This'll have some good pics.
looks like I'll be first to enter my submission

sanblaster1 said:
You know you guys can sub using 'thread tools' toolbar.

that's really boring though.


man I wish it was an electronics theme.. I have soooooooo many electronics shots
much cooler to post a "sub" in the thread itself.....gotta get that post count up! (just like this useless post)
and it lets the person who started the thread know that people are interested even though they might not have anything worthwhile to post yet. :)
Damn, I've got a sweet fully mechanical pocket watch I should snap a photo of...but my camera sucks and it won't look as good as yours.