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  1. F

    FierceKrypton Cheap blacked out Build

    Mk thx for advice. I'll steer clear.
  2. F

    FierceKrypton Cheap blacked out Build

    Soooo, just bought a pro5 last week. Fairly happy with it and enjoying taking pride in my vehicle for the first time, my last car was beat to crap. Anyways I have a long list of things I am tempted to get and wanted to know yalls advice concerning them cause I have very little experience. Any...
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  6. F

    Anyone need anything from the salvage yard?

    I need a fog lamp.....
  7. F

    Progete5 buyer

    your gonna get sub par gas mileage for the first month cause your gonna wanna gun it haha, its a fun drive and gets plenty of mpg.
  8. F

    Guide Permanently fix the "no A/C on fan speed 2/3" problem

    seems like a lot of risk just to gain access to the coveted "2" speed haha, I have the rest... usually.