DirecTV or Dish Network

Which Company?

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2003 Mazda Protege LX/MP3 Wannabe
I am considering either DirecTV, Dish Network, or maybe even my local cable. I am asking for peoples experiences with either. I have a poll above for choices.

I've had both and so far I like Dish Network better.
I've had both and I stick with Directv. I have HD and I know that Directv sends their signal in 1080. No split offs like cable. Cable is the worst choice if you have HD. Dish network probably sends their signal the same way. If you have HD Directv or Dish network is the best way to go. Just compare price with what you get. I've had no problems with Directv and when I got it they had more HD channels than Dish network,but by now that could have changed.
Not anymore. (bang) At CES 2007, Directv is coming out with over 100 HD channels.

well, dish is usually a little cheaper, but you get speed channel for a cheaper price through directv..
also, depending on your local area phone provider, i know you can get package deals with embarq and verizon.
embarq deals with dish, and verizon directv... but that may be diffrent than where you live.
also, if you are into football and want to get NFL sunday ticket you HAVE to get direct tv, cable and dish aren't even an option.
my parents have dish and i have directv and i personally think directv and its dvr is easier to use..
Yes, I got to mention that I will be getting HD channels, recently got a HDTV and want to use its full potential.
yea, i would stay clear of cable, at least with DTV or DISH you have digital signal no matter what, and like that guy stated b4 DTV is coming out with a TON of HD channels.
Dish Network packages are also cheaper then Directv. The service I have now i'm paying close to $99 a month for 2 HD & 2 regular recievers with ALL channels including local,HD(40+) and premium channels. I don't know if thats a good deal but compared to what I was paying with Directv, my bill was $10 less minus HD and premium channels.

I was PISSED when I heard about what Directv getting over 100 HD channels..
I've had DTV for several years, and I'm very happy with it, with one exception: DVR. Our first DVR box was a Tivo box, and it's great. When we moved, and decided we'd like to have DVR in the bedroom as well as the living room, they sent us a "DirecTV+" DVR, after telling us it was "just like Tivo." It's not. It's not even close. It's probably a two year or more newer model, and it's a giant piece of s***! It's super-slow to move through the menus, takes forever to delete anything, and is generally much harder to use, in terms of features. Now, of course this is nitpicking, and if bad DVR technology is the worst thing I have to worry about, I have a great life, but when you've had a good system (DirecTV Tivo), and the replacement system is this much worse, it's pretty annoying. I've been thinking about looking around on Ebay and finding a Tivo box like the one we have and just getting that!

Also, the one disadvantage I've found to DTV vs. Cable is that it can go out in a really bad storm, which is frustrating if you're trying to turn on the news or Weather Channel to find out if a tornado is brewing!

Of course, when we had cable, it went out pretty frequently for no reason, so I guess I'll take my chances with the weather!
Not anymore. (bang) At CES 2007, Directv is coming out with over 100 HD channels.
Yes that is true but a much less well known fact is that DishNetwork just recently launched another satellite dedicated to HD channels which they claim will allow them to double their HD channel count. So it should be pretty close between the 2 dish providers really.

I have experience with both and DirecTV is better without question. DishNetwork is typically cheaper but the quality of their channels isn't as good, their hardware especially is CRAP (their DVR is a $400+ pile that reboots,freezes, and gets audio/video out of sync all the time) and you have very little choice at what you can buy for hardware compared to direcTV too, who has receivers at stores like Wal-Mart even, and the customer support for Dishnetwork is the WORST support for any company ever with the exception of microsoft! Yeah you can hope you'll never have to call them but just wait until something comes up and you do - you'll be sorry. It's not like Directv's support is that great but compared to DishNetwork it is a zillion times better.
We have Dish. Pretty good, I suppose. HD is nice, but I hardly watch any TV as it is. I usually watch Adult Swim, Ninja Warrior or the weekend F1 races. Only F1 is in HD (sometimes). DirecTV blew sack when we had it, went out all the damn time.

The only thing that sucks is most (read, nearly all) of my Sox games are on ComcastSportsNet, which (obviously) Dish does not offer. Good thing they can't win to save their lives this year -- I don't feel like I'm missing much.
I've had BrightHouse (aka Time Warner) cable for about 12 years. We finally got sick of all the problems associated with it, so we bailed on their TV, internet, and phone service. I think the only thing I'll miss is the internet. DSL just isn't as fast.
Thru DTV I've got 4 rooms set up, HD DVR for my main tv and 120+ channels with Showtime,Encore,Starz. I pay $84 a month.
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